Thursday, 5 December 2019

Game Journalism Day 1

The name of the game? Desert Skies.
This is a first person survival game. It opens by dropping you smack in the middle of a desert.

You have low health, hunger and thirst. My initial thought was 'great, I'm already bad at video games, I'm going to die when I start walking the wrong way'. Then I turned around.
Bam! There's a full on caravan camp behind you! There are supplies and a bunch of dead people. That's great. Through the character's commentary you, the player, learn that the ground really isn't safe. These poor people made camp, but even that didn't save them. One guy got torn in half! So, of course, the next course of action is to rob them blind.

I stole ALL their stuff. Wood, nails, rope, bandages, water skin, anything I could get my hands on. There was one food tin, which helped as well. I initially started walking in an aimless direction, before I remembered you also spawn by a big ass balloon. After collecting all the stuff from the dead caravan crew, you hop on that balloon and fly off into the sunset.
But actually, it takes you to the next point in the game.
Which is this fun little rail road town! There's a well in the middle, which is a good thing to remember because water is ESSENTIAL. There are a bunch of houses and a BUNCH of supplies.
I started in the church, where it became quite clear that the pastor of this town was a lunatic. His sermon was all about repenting and sacrificing the unclean souls. When has that ever worked?
The saloon had a bunch of empty rooms, the jail was empty, the supplies store was super useful.
I did discover something strange, though...

These people live IN A DESERT and yet they DECORATE with CACTI?!?!?!?! I was very upset to learn this.
There is one thing left for me to do... get coal from the train full of dead bodies. It seemed rather ominous, so I've left that task til last.

To progress in the game, I've kept myself healthy and collected whatever supplies I can find. And it's not a matter of tripping over things, you have to search through rubble and houses for things that light up so you can take them. Don't forget to eat and drink and try to find some bandages.
Also, just do everything. I know there is some kind of monster in this place, and as a person who avoids confrontation it is tempting to leave while I'm ahead, but in order to get the full experience of the game I refuse to be a wimp.

Tomorrow I will investigate the train. And quite possibly die.

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