Monday, 28 October 2019

Cinematography 2

I have discovered my greatest downfall when it comes to this technique: organics
When it came to looping water it was easy, because water naturally continues in a loop. When it comes to anything with organic movement, even if it is circular, it becomes REALLY HARD to manage without having mistakes in masking.

Here I masked the mirror of this little ballerina, but as you can see the opacity changing and the masking kind of... backfired? It doesn't look great. I tried a bunch of things and this was the best I could do.

As you can see from the original video, the ballerina moves in a circle - I couldn't find a good video of a ballerina rooted to the spot. Because of this, it was hard to find a portion of the video to use that didn't have the original ballerina in front of the mirror, while the mirror ballerina was doing something interesting.

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